• High quality
  • Flexibel
  • International
  • Service



‘On the way to PlanetProof’. PlanetProof is a quality mark for sustainably grown vegetables, fruit, flowers, plants, trees and bulbs. By meeting the PlanetProof quality requirements, farmers and growers help to make the air cleaner, soils more fertile, water purer and they can attract more nature to their farms. Laxsjon Plants actively participates since the beginning of 2018.

Groenkeur “Sustainable Tree Nursery Products”

With the Groenkeur Tree Nursery Products certificate, Groenkeur focuses on the production and marketing of more sustainable tree nursery products, with extra-legal requirements in terms of the environment and traceability. This product certificate is the result of the cooperation agreement between SMK and Stichting Groenkeur for certification of more sustainable tree nursery products. Groenkeur and PlanetProof growers work on cleaner air, fertile soil, good water quality and more nature on the farm. Green label Tree nursery products meet the government’s criteria for “Socially responsible procurement of green facilities”.  

Groenkeur assumes five spearheads:     

  • Demonstrable sustainable quality of the end product    
  • Demonstrable sustainable quality of business operations     
  • Demonstrable added value for the Groenkeur entrepreneur     
  • Demonstrable added value for the green sector / physical domain     
  • Demonstrable reliability, familiarity and independent selection criterio

Since 1 March 2020, Laxsjon Plants has been carrying the Groenkeur Sustainable Tree Nursery Products certificate.


Laxsjon Plants is an authorized member of the Dutch Plants Inspection and Service for Horticulture: Naktuinbouw.
Naktuinbouw promotes and monitors the quality of products, processes and production chains in the horticultural sector. The main focus is on propagating material (seed and planting materials). Naktuinbouw is an Autonomous Public Body regulated by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture Quality.  Our member number is 90052.